Our Mission & Organization

Vision Statement: Making a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Mission Statement: To provide collaborative student-centered programs, services, and facilities that enable student success through skills-based leadership opportunities, foster student engagement, and support our vibrant campus community.

Core Values

  • Service: being proactive, effective, reliable and responsive in helping others achieve their goals
  • Excellence: looking to exceed the expectations of those we serve with integrity, always in pursuit of a higher standard
  • Respect: believing in the inherent worth of people, and with a positive outlook, we treat others with sensitivity and value their contributions to the community
  • Empowerment: creating a student-centered environment where opportunity, openness, enthusiasm,   accountability and a sense of purpose combine to provide a rewarding experience that promotes confidence to lead for change
  • Collaboration: sharing knowledge, learning and building consensus, incorporating one's values and skills to create a dynamic structure for teaching and leading where we work jointly toward a common end
  • Stewardship: the responsible oversight and protection of something considered worth caring for and preserving


LBJSC Organization Chart

LBJ Student Center Assessments

The LBJ Student Center uses assessments to track our progress, find new areas of improvement, and provide valuable support for the work we do and the people we reach. The PALM office oversees and utilizes all of the assessments in the departments within the Student Center.

Different Assessments We Conduct in the LBJSC

EBI Assessment Surveys
(Student Leader EBI and LBJ Student Center EBI)
The Educational Benchmarking International (EBI) Survey is an annual assessment that encompasses the entire Texas State community. This tool provides valuable insights into how our programs and services compare with other Student Centers across the country.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys
(Paws Market and Conference Services)
This survey gives us feedback from our customers in the LBJ Student Center. We use this data to assess our products and services to gather new ideas and address anything that needs to be changed to better serve our customers.

Traffic Count Assessment
(Traffic Count and Spot Traffic Count)
The traffic count assessment takes place once a semester, one day in the Fall semester and a full week during the Spring semester. This is a time for us to determine our peak times and locations during each day. This assessment helps in determining the best time/location to hold a program, when our services are busiest and need the most staff support and even where to place information so that it is easy to access. This is our largest assessment of the year.

Event and Program Satisfaction Surveys
(PAWS Preview, Housing Fair, Involvement Fair, etc.)
The event and program satisfaction surveys serve as important feedback from our attendees at various events organized by the LBJ Student Center. The surveys provide specific data on the types of programs, times and locations that best serve Texas State students. 

Annual Tenants Survey
(Student Center Operations)
This survey is a way for us to reach out to our partners that are in the LBJ Student Center but are not a part of our department. This is a mechanism for us to make sure that our tenants in the Student Center are well served and have all the proper tools to serve their customer.